How does the Cloud Make it Possible to Absorb Promotional Periods?

In an era where e-retailers are inexorably multiplying and cybernetic developments are reaching their peak, certain major shortcomings remain. Among them are the problems of big data which impinge on the performance of e-commerce sites during promotional periods. In this sense, the contributions of Cloud computing help to limit harmful impacts. By using it now, a merchant site protects itself from the problems linked to increased traffic and excess data. How is it possible?

Cloud computing: storage solution par excellence

During promotional periods, the number of requests increases significantly. Compared to what you are used to, the site encounters an unfamiliar type of experience. This can therefore prove to be difficult for its operation if it has not been prepared for it. Generally, it starts to lose functionality. Thus, the Internet user finds himself restricted in his research and purchases. These poor browsing conditions tend to exceed and affect the image of the site, which is not for the best.

The solution is to store site data on virtual servers in order to expand the capabilities of the website. This could be hardware or network traffic. It is also a vital approach for successful natural referencing and crucial in times of abundance. 

The servers are rented and secured by site optimization specialists such as Eskio, an online SEO agency. Clouds (servers) can be public or private and secure as desired. So you can access it when needed. This allows the site to accumulate a significant number of users without presenting malfunctions or bugs.

The SEO positioning index of your site is thus boosted and allows you to achieve the best sales. In the event of high traffic, you do not risk a drop in visibility due to poor customer experiences.

Site optimization: the benefits of the Cloud

In addition to its ability to store data, which still constitutes a beneficial and mandatory alternative for increasing turnover, Cloud computing has various crucial advantages.

First, in the event of loss of computer hardware, your data remains intact. Thus, it constitutes an excellent means of saving and securing data. The risk of loss is lower. However, Cloud computing goes well beyond this service. 

It also provides the possibility of storing it. Tracking is automatically integrated into its functions. So you can access it without worrying that it will suddenly become obsolete. This practicality contributes to optimal management of your site with fewer risks and fewer impacts.

In addition, through its ability to manage traffic peaks, the Cloud boosts site visibility and guarantees better customer service. Because of this, Internet users, focus more on services that satisfy them best, abound. 

The Cloud makes it possible to improve the advertising image by boosting the site's capabilities and stimulating Internet user loyalty. It is a set of independent servers that provide access to the most practical solutions and quality natural referencing.

Different types of cloud computing

Digital technology and its tools have enabled a radical transformation of business processes. Since the advent of the Internet, the arrival of the smartphone, and the increase in network performance, we can now work from any location on the planet while having access to collaborative tools, applications, or sound data. business.

The cloud is an essential tool for the productivity of connected companies

Today, the cloud is a central player in business life. This tool in charge of extracting, collecting and sharing data allows all ambitious and mobile companies of our time to make life at work easier for employees while improving the efficiency of processes. 

If the trend was already in vogue before, the health crisis has only strengthened it, pushing companies in all sectors to equip themselves with different types of cloud computing.

A cloud solution for business must therefore be chosen carefully to meet specific needs. Each type of cloud always consists of a management platform, an operating system and operating programming interfaces. Depending on each individual's needs, virtualization can be added, always keeping in mind the optimization of employee work and the fluidification of communication between the different teams.

Different types of cloud computing for different uses

Among the different types of cloud computing, the best known are public clouds which have the characteristic of being created by large IT structures and which do not belong to the client company. This category of cloud has historically been run off-premises, although methods are evolving, increasingly narrowing the difference between a public and private cloud.

The private cloud is defined as an environment specifically linked to a company or a group of structures that benefit from the exclusivity of its use. This time, cloud solutions are executed behind the user's firewall, even if here again uses are evolving and new types of hybrid clouds are appearing. Finally, multiclouds are broader tools, that include hybrid clouds, and allow you to benefit from additional functionalities.

How to choose your cloud solution?

As you can see, the different types of cloud computing allow you to choose from a wide variety of solutions that do not all offer the same functionalities. Generally speaking, private clouds, like those offered by Roverba for example, are often considered more secure because they are protected by the user's security tools. In addition, the methods of use of these tools are evolving, which will allow you to maintain security while benefiting from greater ergonomics.

Choosing your cloud solution also means taking into account accessibility to your data. With Roverba, you will only have access to the image of your data on the cloud, which allows you to work flexibly without ever jeopardizing your company's structures and resources. Furthermore, you will access the tool via a VPN for even more security and will benefit from storage space always adapted to your specific needs!

Cloud computing: what are the benefits for businesses?

The profitability and performance constraints that weigh on companies force them to find solutions and tools that provide them with lower costs and time savings in the long term. This is the logic behind certain companies that are increasingly opting for cloud computing instead of traditional IT solutions. Is this a wise choice? What are the advantages of this option for businesses?

Strengthened data protection

For business leaders hesitant to move to the cloud, this solution would carry considerable risks of data loss. But in reality, things turn out to be quite different. When referring to reliable cloud platforms, the security and integrity of company data are guaranteed. 

This protection is ensured by various security systems which, among other things, prevent unauthorized persons from accessing company data. Thanks to the advice and tips presented on Numereeks, entrepreneurs who wish to do so can further strengthen IT security within their companies.

Cloud computing: a flexible and scalable technology

In the business world, the needs of companies are constantly evolving. Cloud computing is one of the best technologies that allow businesses to adapt to their new needs. For example, a company that needs greater bandwidth following increased traffic on its website will automatically obtain satisfaction, since the cloud service will be responsible for deploying additional resources.

An economical solution

The computer hardware generally used by companies in the context of their various activities is quite expensive. The same goes for their management and maintenance. With cloud computing, there is no need for businesses to invest large amounts in acquiring multiple hardware.

Cloud computing to facilitate remote work

Being able to work wherever you are and at any time perfectly meets the new demands of the business world. Cloud computing is the technology that makes it possible for company employees to work from home or for managers to take care of their files when they are on a business trip. 

To do this, all you need is a computer, a smartphone, and a good internet connection and that's it. Offering the company's internal employees the opportunity to work on the company's various files, regardless of where they are located, is a real asset for the company's performance.

Ease in sharing data or information

Cloud computing allows company employees to share important data and information with relative ease. It is possible to create a collaborative virtual platform on the cloud. Employees who have access to said platform therefore receive information in real time.

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