How to Talk About Technology in an E-Commerce Environment


How to Talk About Technology in an E-Commerce Environment

Technology is a constant worry for businesses of all sizes and types, as we head into the digital era. It’s one of the most rapidly growing parts of the economy and will only increase in impact as we move forward. Businesses need to be aware of technology risks and strategies so they can stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly digital world. That being said, there are plenty of ways to talk about technology in an e-commerce environment. There are no laws that say you can’t discuss technology with your customers or vendors in an e-commerce environment. In fact, many businesses can leverage this space to increase market share and grow their customer list at no cost to them. Here are some ways you can do it safely and effectively:

Assign the right balance between being empathetic and critical

The only way to talk about technology with your customers or customers you partner with in an e-commerce environment is to be both critical and empathetic. You don’t want to sound like you’re demanding things of them or that you’re asking for something in return. Instead, you can let your tone shift so that you sound as though you’re offering a great deal. You can put yourself in the shoes of a customer who has to choose between two things—kids or money. You can be as empathetic as you want to be, but at the same time, you need to keep your critical thinking skills as well. Whether you choose to be critical or not, it’s important to keep your tone as neutral as possible so that you don’t sound like you want to pry or try to pry into the internal thoughts of your customers.

## Explain the why

Again, this is the key to talking about technology in an e-commerce environment. You need to explain the why behind your strategy or strategy goals. You don’t have to say, ‘Why should we care about this product?’ Instead, explain why you think this particular product is the best way to do something. This will make the customer experience more personalized and efficient. You can also explain why you think this particular product is valuable to the business and why you’re excited about it. Customers will usually have more comfort hearing these types of messages than hearing about why.

## Ask for feedback and collaborate

Again, this one is key. It’s hard for businesses to discuss technology risks without discussing what those risks are. All it takes is an idea or two, and then people start to contribute ideas and thoughts as they see them. If you’re receiving feedback or collaborating on an issue with a colleague, try to keep it constructive. If you need to talk to someone privately, put that conversation on hold and come back to the issue or challenge a little later. This way, you don’t forget about it and don’t fall into the trap of accepting suggestions without a fight.

## Be transparent

Finally, you need to be transparent about your company’s strategy, goals, and progress. This might seem like a no-brainer, but it’s easy to forget when faced with brilliant ideas and breakthrough products. You need to stress that transparency is a crucial part of your e-commerce strategy. If you don’t post the goals and details of your strategy on your website, then everyone will just assume you’re keeping to yourself. In truth, you might be surprised by how many people you get on board with your plan who have no idea what you’re talking about.

## Stay flexible

Finally, you need to stay flexible. As technology changes and turns on us, so does our thinking. In an increasingly digital world, it’s important to be flexible in your approach to staying ahead of the game. If you prefer to work in a still, black and white world where everything is fully understood, then stay true to your values and stick to what makes you tick. If people aren’t buying into your brand or products anymore, then what are you doing trying to get them to buy into your brand? Stay true to your values and make the most of this transition. It will be an invaluable part of your e-commerce strategy.

## Be effective at crafting a message

Finally, you need to create a message for your e-commerce strategy. It doesn’t matter if you’re talking about your products or your services—if you’re communicating the same thing to everyone, then you’ve failed miserably. You need to tell a story that puts your products front of mind, and not just your story about how you got to market and what that has to do with your products. This is the essence of effective communication: You tell a story, and your customers think about the products you sold, not the other way around. If people are looking at your website or your product page, not just your business card, they’re going to think about you as the person who made that happen. Your product page has to do that. If you’re comfortable doing that, then you’re in great shape to market successfully in an e-commerce environment.

## Wrapping Up

Technology is a constant worry for businesses of all sizes and types, as we head into the digital era. It’s one of the most rapidly growing parts of the economy and will only increase in impact as we move forward. Businesses need to be aware of technology risks and strategies so they can stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly digital world. That being said, there are plenty of ways to talk about technology in an e-commerce environment. Here are some ways you can do it safely and effectively: assign the right balance between being empathetic and critical, explain the why, ask for feedback and collaborate, be transparent, stay flexible, be effective atcrafting a message, Wrapping Up

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