How Science and Technology is Changing Our World and How You Can Too!


How Science and Technology is Changing Our World and How You Can Too!

You know that feeling when you see something cool for the first time? Maybe it’s the way a machine or an algorithm works, or maybe it’s something new and disruptive that’s come along. Whatever it is, when you see something for the first time, it takes your breath away and makes you wonder what’s possible. That’s exactly what happened in late 2015 when I heard about 5G technology for the first time. The promise of fast-charging smartphones, virtual reality, and other Internet of Things (IoT) devices seemed so exciting that I thought I had to get involved. But getting my hands on a 5G smartphone was … difficult. No one could predict how quickly 5G would become ubiquitous—and who would benefit from having access to such fast mobile internet connections? Would it be corporations or individual users who couldn’t afford Wi-Fi or mobile data charges? Now that I have my own 5G smartphone and an IoT company I cofounded is using blockchain to power their industry-changing product, I can say with confidence that my initial excitement about 5G technology was justified. Emerging technology such as AI, robotics, IoT, and new apps are reshaping our world at pace never before witnessed by mankind. How will we respond? In this article series, we'll explore some of the ways that science and technology is changing our world today—and how you too can participate in making a difference by


AI Is Revolutionizing Business, Healthcare, and Education

Businesses are using AI to drive down costs and increase efficiency. AI-powered robots are making manufacturing more efficient, eliminating some human tasks, and saving companies money on overworked and underpaid employees. In healthcare, AI is enabling robots to replace doctors, putting patient safety first. And in education, AI is enabling smart devices to communicate and collaborate with each other, helping students learn better by providing personalized course suggestions, and grading assignments more accurately.


Blockchain is Disrupting Finance and e-Commerce

Blockchain has been called the “new internet” for financial transactions, with huge potential for business and financial outcomes. It has been widely used in digital currency (e.g. Bitcoin), but now blockchain is finding applications in other industries, including real estate, insurance, and even government. In financial transactions, blockchain is bringing previously unattainable transparency to the industry. Companies are looking to blockchain for increased cybersecurity and to help with document verification. In the insurance world, blockchain will likely find new applications in verifying the authenticity of insurance policies and in settling insurance claims.


How Robotics is Changing the Workplace

Robotics is part of the AI/BPSIP family of disruption technologies. With robotics, technology is disrupting the workplace in two main ways. First, automated machines are being installed at every level. These may be able to perform simple tasks such as replacing forklifts or pick-pocketsing surveillance cameras. But robotics has another potential application in the workplace where humans are unable to work–delaying surgery. With robotics, surgeons have the ability to perform surgeries that might take doctors days or weeks to complete. With AI and robotics, a human surgeon can perform the procedure in an hour or less. This is very exciting for the health sector, where many procedures are currently being delayed because of patient safety concerns.


How IoT is Transforming our Daily Lives

IoT is a disruptive technology in the same way that AI and robotics are. It is disrupting our daily lives in very different ways. IoT devices are part of the “ ubiquitous” category, meaning they are not only useful but essential to our daily lives. They are in our homes, our cars, our businesses, our cities, and our states. In the healthcare sector, IoT devices are being used to track patients’ conditions and provide real-time updates. These updates may be able to detect early signs of disease, providing treatments or even saving lives. In cybersecurity, IoT devices are used to monitor and report potential threats. This information can then be used by experts to create more accurate and specific attacks. In manufacturing, IoT devices are used to monitor equipment performance and help reduce breakdown and chance of damage. These devices are also used to help with quality control and help with monitoring the efficiency of production lines.



In this series, we’ll tackle some of the ways that science and technology is changing our world today. We’ll start by looking at how AI is revolutionizing business, healthcare, and education. Then, we’ll look at how blockchain is disrupting finance and e-commerce. Finally, we’ll discuss how robotics is changing the workplace and how IoT is transforming our daily lives. What will this technology mean to you? The prospects for AI and robotics are incredibly exciting, while IoT is a more ambiguous category. It’s not clear yet what benefits will flow from each specific technology, but together they indicate a significant opportunity for business and consumers.

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