Amazing Technology Made by MIO


Amazing Technology Made by MIO

MIO is a Korean company known for creating smart watches, fitness trackers, and other wearable devices. Their latest product is called “MBlade”, a smart hinge for your phone. The reason why we call it a “smart hinge” is because it can attach your phone to various surfaces, for example, car dashboards and office desks. It does this by magnetically attaching itself to the surface. The MBlade can also be used to monitor your phone’s orientation and detect when it is being moved, which is a handy function if you lose your phone often. It is also equipped with a vibration function that notifies you when you receive a call or text message.

The MBlade is currently available on Kickstarter, and is already fully funded. It is scheduled to begin shipping in May 2018.


What makes the MBlade so special?

What makes the MBlade so special is that it has a variety of functions. The MBlade can be used to attach your phone to various surfaces, which is great if you want your phone to be hands-free. It also monitors your phone’s orientation, and can detect when it’s being moved. This is especially useful for people who lose their phones often! The MBlade also has a vibration function which notifies you when you receive a call or text message. The MBlade already has many backers on Kickstarter and will be shipping in May 2018.


How does the MBlade work?

The MBlade is a smart phone attachment that gives you more functionality. It can easily be attached to surfaces such as car dashboards and office desks. We like the MBlade because it can also be used to monitor your phone’s orientation and detect when it is being moved. The MBlade is equipped with a vibration function that notifies you when you receive a call or text message, which is handy if you often lose your phone. The MBlade was recently launched on Kickstarter and has already been funded! It is scheduled to start shipping in May 2018.


How much does the MBlade cost?

The MBlade is currently available on Kickstarter for $59. For those who order now, the smart hinge costs $59, which includes shipping.


What makes the MBlade stand out from the crowd?

One of the things that makes the MBlade stand out from other phone holders is its versatility. Its magnetic properties make it easy to attach to any surface, so you don’t have to worry about your phone being knocked around while driving or sitting at your desk. It also features a vibrating function that will notify you when you receive a call or text message, which is perfect for those who are always on the go and forget to check their phone.

For more information on the MBlade, visit


Final Words: Should You Buy the MBlade?

Should you buy the MBlade? It all depends on your needs, but in general, it’s a cool and sleek device. The MBlade is perfect if you have a hard time keeping track of your phone or if you plan to use it in different situations (like at home and the office). People who are constantly using their phone throughout the day will also find that this device gives them much more freedom with their phone. The only downside is that it can be pricey. If you plan to use it as an office desk mount or car dashboard mount then the $100 price tag might not be too bad. But if you would mainly use this at home, then spending that much money may not be worth it for you.

mio technology

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