10 Innovative Science Gateway Technologies to Watch in 2018


10 Innovative Science Gateway Technologies to Watch in 2018

Gateway technologies are poised to reshape the way we think about and access scientific data. They are a key enabler of the ‘digital transformation’ of science, enabling researchers, clinicians and patients to have unprecedented levels of insights from their data and clinical records.

Gateway technologies are designed to integrate with legacy systems and work seamlessly with them. They are not designed to replace existing technologies but to be complementary. This will help researchers achieve a much richer level of insight from their data and clinical records, making it possible to better understand, tailor and manage patient care. Here is an overview of the most innovative gateway technologies to watch in 2018.


New ways to unlock data

There are many new ways to unlock data and make it available for research. One of the most innovative gateway technologies is the artificial intelligence (AI) in machine learning (ML). The AI technology can help researchers discover patterns in data that they might not have otherwise noticed. It can also help analyze data to make better observations about patients.

The other innovative science gateway technology that's worth watching is blockchain. Blockchain creates a distributed ledger that strengthens cybersecurity, which is important when storing sensitive patient information. It also allows researchers to conduct clinical trials and share data with partners with more confidence, since it provides a secure way for companies to collaborate and share information without compromising security or confidentiality.


Machine learning

Machine learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence that gives machines the ability to learn independently, and provides computers with the ability to react to new information. Machine learning algorithms allow for predictive analytics, pattern recognition and data analysis.


 Data integration

Data integration is the ability to extract data from disparate sources and use it in a new way. Being able to consolidate data from different sources can help organizations make better decisions, more efficiently manage operations, and take advantage of opportunities.



Blockchain can be used to store and share data, without relying on a central database. This technology is probably most famous for its use in cryptocurrency, but it has many other applications. Blockchain is a digital ledger which records transactions across all devices, rather than being stored on one device. This means that information is distributed and can't be hacked or changed by any single entity.


Internet of things (IoT)

The IoT is a network of devices that are connected to the internet.

It’s estimated that by 2020, 20 billion devices will be connected to the internet.

The IoT allows objects like your car, refrigerator and coffee machine to have a 'digital brain'.

IoT devices can send data directly to cloud servers, which makes it possible for anyone with access to the internet to track these objects.

This information could help you understand how much electricity your fridge uses, or how long your car has been idling.

One of the most innovative gateway technologies on this list is IoT because it has the potential to become one of the biggest things in 2018.


Mobile health (mHealth)

One of the major innovations in mHealth is the ability to measure and diagnose a person's health with a smartphone. This type of technology is already widely used in clinical settings, but it is only now beginning to be used more widely by patients and consumers.

Medical applications for smartphones are growing rapidly in popularity because they allow for a more seamless experience between doctor and patient. For example, doctors can prescribe medications and treatments over the phone, which eliminates the need for patients to visit a clinic or pharmacy to pick up their prescription. Plus, these medical apps allow people to track their progress so they can stay updated on their recovery and how likely they are to make a full recovery.


 Biomedical data analysis

Biomedical data analysis is a gateway technology that will allow clinicians to analyze larger and more diverse sets of data. This includes both biomedical data, such as medical images and genomic sequences, as well as clinical data. Biomedical data analysis tools are designed to help researchers make sense of large volumes of complex unstructured data. They will enable clinicians to gain insights into the fundamental mechanisms of diseases and better manage clinical care.

science gateway technologies

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